ENEOS Group Basic Policy for the Prevention of Relations with Antisocial Forces

The ENEOS Group has established and declares its Basic Policy for the Prevention of Relations with Antisocial Forces as follows based on the ENEOS Group Code of Conduct.

  • We will not engage in any relations, including business transactions, with antisocial forces, and we will reject all unreasonable demands by antisocial forces.

  • We will not engage in any action that entails the provision of funds to antisocial forces.

  • Even in the event that unreasonable demands by antisocial forces are based on unscrupulous business activities on our part or misconduct on the part of our employees, we will not engage in under-the-table transactions to conceal the matter.

  • We will take a firm stand against unreasonable demands by antisocial forces, and we will pursue all available civil and criminal legal action against such demands.

  • Under the leadership of top management, we will establish within our company regulations systems and specific measures for handling unreasonable demands by antisocial forces, and our response to such demands will be carried out not by the individuals or departments concerned, but by our organization as a whole.

  • To be prepared for unreasonable demands by antisocial forces, close cooperative relations shall be built with external expert agencies such as police, lawyers, etc. We will establish close cooperative relationships with the police, lawyers, and other external specialists to help ensure our preparedness for response to unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.

  • We will make every effort to secure the safety of employees who respond to unreasonable demands by antisocial forces.

  • The term "antisocial forces" as used in this policy refers to groups or individuals pursuing economic gain through the use of violence, coercion or fraudulent means. This includes groups or individuals such as crime syndicates, companies affiliated with crime syndicates, corporate extortionists, racketeers disguising themselves as political or social activists, and violent groups using special intelligence.