Long-Term Vision

Long-Term Vision

The ENEOS Group will take on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the realization a carbon-neutral society.

We will help realize a carbon-neutral society through energy transitions while fulfilling our responsibility to provide a stable supply of energy and materials now and in the future.
We, the ENEOS Group, will strive to maximize our corporate value by steadily carrying out these tasks, which are also major challenges for the human race.

Long-Term Vision
(2 mins 38 secs)

the ENEOS Group's Long-Term Vision Movie

To Realize "Tomorrow's Normal," a Decarbonized, Recycling-oriented Society.
The ENEOS Group will take on the challenge of establishing a stable supply of energy and materials and the building of a carbon-neutral society.
Becoming a support for a greatly changing society in addition to aiming for the ENEOS group's zero greenhouse gas emissions in 2040.
This video shows the various challenges and initiatives that only the ENEOS Group can take on.

Past Long-Term Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan

Envisioning the Development of a Decarbonized and Recycling Oriented Society by 2040

We envisioned the development of a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society by 2040, and while there have been no major changes in the direction of this social scenario, acceleration toward this society has picked up speed with events such as the government declaring a carbon neutrality by 2050. Within such world-wide trends, we are aware of the importance of solving societal challenges, especially those in energy transition.

Envisioning the Development of a Decarbonized and Recycling Oriented Society by 2040

Becoming a Leader of Energy Transition

While it is certain that society will move toward carbon neutrality, it remains unclear what the main source of carbon-neutral energy will be and when necessary technological breakthroughs will occur. Taking into account policy trends and other factors, we believe that the turning point will be around 2030. For a smooth energy transition, it is necessary to fulfill S+3E*1
The Group will lead the Japan’s energy transition and will continue to be a main player in the future, supplying 20% (largest share in SAF, hydrogen, and synthetic fuels) of Japan's primary energy needs even in a carbon neutral society.

*1: Safety, Energy security, Economic efficiency, Environment

Becoming a Leader of Energy Transition

Technologies and Customer Networks to Address Each Scenario Flexibly

As strengths, the Group has a nationwide service station network that is a real and strong point of contact with customers and local residents, and resilience in dealing with the multiple scenarios for energy transition.
There is no definitive answer as to what the main sources of energy will be in a carbon-neutral society, so we are considering multiple scenarios. The Group has strengths for all of these, and we are already making investments and conducting research and development.
We will make the most our nation-wide service station network by building a system to provide route charging services for EVs, next generation energy, and new services to promote "Tomorrow’s Normal" while using the service station network as the ENEOS Platform.

Technologies and Customer Networks to Address Each Scenario Flexibly