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The ENEOS Group’s Determination (Concept Movie)
"Today's normal" in our day-to-day lives―its presence is anything but ordinary.
From the time when "today's normal" life was not ordinary, the ENEOS Group has always been a frontrunner, committed to developing and supplying energy and materials essential to the everyday life of each age.
Now, we aim to achieve "tomorrow's normal," a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society, where next-generation energy, materials and services are essential.
We will continue to take the lead in creating and innovating "tomorrow's normal" to be a corporate group that is trusted by and indispensable to society.
Supporting "todays normal,"
taking the lead for "tomorrow's normal"
Long-Term Vision
Realizing "tomorrow's normal"—
a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society, where next-generation energy, materials and services will be essential features of our lives.
The ENEOS Group is taking on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the realization of a carbon-neutral society.
This is an enormous challenge only we can take on,
but we are determined to succeed.
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