Quick Facts The ENEOS GroupQuick Facts The ENEOS Group

About the ENEOS Group

FY2023 results operating income1,2

(billion yen)

FY2023 results operating income 393.2
Energy 181.3
Oil and Natural Gas E&P 91.5
Metals 81.1
Other 39.3

Consolidated net sales1

13.9trillion yen

Consolidated operating income1

464.9billion yen

Operating income
(excluding inventory valuation)1,2

393.2billion yen

Number of employees


Market capitalization3

2217.9billion yen

Listed stock exchanges

Tokyo Stock Exchange

Prime Market

Nagoya Stock Exchange

Premier Market

One unit of shares


  1. 1FY2023 results (announced May 14,2024)
  2. 2Operating income excluding inventory valuation (effect of crude price fluctuations on income)
  3. 3As of end of March, 2024

ENEOS Group Businesses

Energy Business

Energy Business

The ENEOS group is taking on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the realization of a carbon-neutral society.

  • Share of domestic sales of petroleum products 1 About 50% 2 No. 1 in Japan

    1 Gasoline+Kerosene+Diesel Fuel+Fuel Oil A

    2 FY2023 actual: No1 in Japan

  • Paraxylene supply capacity 3.01 million tons per year 4

    4 As of end of June, 2024

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
and Production Business

Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Business
JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration

JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration Corporation is moving ahead
with the development of petroleum and natural gas resources, with the utmost attention to safety and the environment.

Oil and natural gas exploration,
development, and production
in 8 countries around the world
Crude oil and natural gas sales volume
about90thousand barrels per day1
Proven and probable reserves
301million barrels2

1 Crude oil equivalent (FY2023 results)

2 As of end of March, 2024

Metals Business

Metals Business
JX Advanced Metals

Fostering the Development and Innovation in Society as a Global Leader of Advanced Materials.

  • Semiconductor materials Product lines with No. 1 shares in global markets
  • Copper smelting and refining Refined copper production capacity Approx. 450 thousand tons annually 1

    1 As of end of March, 2023

High Performance Materials Business

High Performance Materials Business
ENEOS Materials

We contribute to the development of society, people's lives, and a vibrant future through creativity and innovation in materials.

Solution Polymerization Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SSBR) Production Capacity ENEOS Materials Yokkaichi Plant 60,000 tons BST ENEOS Elastomer Co., Ltd.(joint venture with BST) 120,000 tons ENEOS MOL Synthetic Rubber Ltd.(joint venture with MOL) 60,000 tonsSolution Polymerization Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SSBR) Production Capacity ENEOS Materials Yokkaichi Plant 60,000 tons BST ENEOS Elastomer Co., Ltd.(joint venture with BST) 120,000 tons ENEOS MOL Synthetic Rubber Ltd.(joint venture with MOL) 60,000 tons

Electricity and City Gas Business

Electricity and City Gas Business

We will continue to strive to create a bright and shining future by providing a variety of energy services that meet the needs of our customers and society.

  • Number of electricity retail contracts 950,000 1

    1 As of the end of December 2023

  • Installed capacity of power plants in operation 2 1.78 million kW(our company allotment 1.4 million kW)

    2 Power sources owned by ENEOS Power and ENEOS in
    Japan (as of March 2024)

Renewable Energy Business

Renewable Energy Business
ENEOS Renewable Energy

We contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through the development and operation of renewable energy power plants.

  • Generation Capacity 1,251 MW 1

    1 As of December 2023

  • Annual electricity generation 2 equivalent to annual power consumption of 220,000 households

    2 As of 2022

  • Annual CO2 reduction effect 3 equivalent to annual absorption by 28 million cedar trees

    3 As of 2022

ENEOS Group Business Sites Worldwide

  • Domestic
  • Overseas
Energy Business
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Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
and Production Business
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Metals Business
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High Performance Materials
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Electricity and City Gas
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Energy Business
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Oil and Natural Gas Exploration
and Production Business
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Metals Business
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High Performance Materials
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Electricity and City Gas
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The Aim of the ENEOS Group

The Mission of the ENEOS Group is stated as follows in the ENEOS Group Philosophy:
"Harnessing the Earth's power for the common good and for the day-to-day life of each individual,
we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future
through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials."

Third Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2023-2025)

Operating Income
(excluding inventory valuation)

700billion yen
(Cumulative total for FY2023-2025)

Free Cash Flow

billion yen

(Cumulative total for FY2023-2025)

Net D/E Ratio

or lower



or higher


  • Free cash flow: Cash generated by business operations minus cash used for investments.
  • Net D/E ratio:The ratio of interest-bearing debt to equity. The lower the net D/E ratio, the greater the degree of financial stability.
  • ROE (return on equity) : Indicator of profitability in relation to shareholder equity (own capital).