Business Overview
Manufacturing and selling chemical products that support lives such as ethylene, paraxylene, benzen, and solvents. The ENEOS Group is carrying out initiatives in green chemicals to bring about a carbon neutral and recycling-based society.
Characteristics of and Initiatives in Petrochemical Products Refining and Sales

Paraxylene, Capable of Being Produced the Most in Asia by the ENEOS Group
Paraxylene is a raw material of high purity terephthalic acid (PTA). It is used for producing a wide range of polyester resins such as clothing, film, vinyl, and plastic bottles.
ENEOS is capable of producing 3.01 million tons of paraxylene a year.
- *1As of end of June, 2024

Initiatives in Green Chemicals
We believe it is possible to reduce environmental impact and help bring about a carbon neutral and recycling-based society by manufacturing products that use plastic waste materials and biomass materials derived from oils such as vegetable oil and waste cooking oil.
We plan to expand initiatives in green chemicals in the future in order to fulfill our basic carbon neutral plan.