Aiming for Competitive Refineries and Factories by Creating Safe and Stable Operations, Maximizing Profits, and Streamlining Work through Gradual Introduction of Digital Technologies
As its Long-term Vision, the ENEOS Group will take on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the building of a carbon-neutral society. To realize this, the ENEOS Group will further accelerate digital transformation (DX) as key measures to establish a solid earnings base and realize energy transition as the Digital Strategy in the third Medium-Term Management Plan. In the manufacturing area, we are gradually introducing digital technologies that contribute to the safe and stable operation of refineries and factories, and we will support the supply of advanced energy and materials using digital technologies to maintain a stable supply for our customers.
Main Initiatives

We are making efforts to utilize digital technologies like IoT, big data, AI, and robotics as effective means for preventive measures, and to streamline work and improve productivity at refineries and factories.
Aiming to automatize operations with robots and AI by 2040, the Group is working in three areas in the development, introduction and roll-out of digital technologies for operation-related work at refineries and factories: 1. enhancing control of plant operations, 2. increasing reliability of on-site inspections, and 3. strengthening reliability of equipment management.

1. Enhancing Control of Plant Operations
Developing an Automated Operation System that Utilizes AI
Operation control at refineries and factories is large in scale and complicated. We are developing an automated operation system that utilizes AI to establish stable operations not impacted by human ability, which requires operational know-how gained from years of experience. In 2021, we were successful in the first AI-based automated operation of a Butadiene extraction unit in Japan at Kawasaki Refinery's petrochemical plant, which is still in use today. Additionally, we achieved continuous automated operation of an atmospheric distillation unit for large-scale processing of crude oil in 2023. The AI systems developed by the ENEOS Group allow for economical, stable, and highly efficient operations that exceeds manual efforts and help improve safety at refineries.

2. Increasing Reliability of On-Site Inspections
Enhancing on-site work using digital technologies (mobile devices, drones, robots, etc.)
Safe and stable operations are maintained at refineries and factories through efforts such as periodic patrols and inspections, but we are using mobile devices (tablets, etc.) in order to further increase the efficiency of these efforts. Additionally, drones are efficient at on-site confirmations during disasters and inspections of tall/narrow areas where it is typically difficult to do so, and we are already using them at several refineries and factories. Moving forward, we plan on using autonomous drones to increase efficiency of inspections in vast tank areas and discover issues early.
In the future, we are also aiming to enhance on-site patrols and inspections by introducing mobile robots and using AI to process images related to external corrosion inspections.

3. Strengthening Reliability of Equipment Management
Central Management of Equipment Data Using a Digital Twin Platform
At refineries and factories, matters like plant operations and maintenance are done using various kinds of data, such as design diagrams for each equipment and device, specifications, repair history, process data, and three-dimensional information about equipment. Consolidating this information spread across different systems into a single digital twin platform allows us to streamline work and centrally manage data important for work across design, operation, and maintenance. This digital twin platform is being introduced as an engineering consultant tool for improving reliability to prevent issues at refineries and factories and to streamline work.
Related Information
Petroleum Products Business
The ENEOS Group will take on the challenge of achieving both a stable supply of energy and materials and the realization a carbon-neutral society.